Friday, November 4, 2011

Salesforce Tools for Mac OS-X Lexi Loader

As most of the products made for are designed with Windows users in mind, if you use a mac you may feel like you are getting the short end of the stick sometimes. I know that I did at first. There were cool things like the data loader, the excel connector and the outlook connector; that just didn't exist on the mac. Well here are a few of the tools that I have found that help those Mac users out there feel like we aren't all alone. I will highlight several tools over the next handful of posts that I make to the blog. 

Just to point out the great work that has been done. These tools are mostly if not all developed by our friend Simon Fell. Check out his site Pocket Soap.

The first tool that is essential for all administrators is the Data Loader. Unfortunately Salesforce has not yet implemented a Data Loader for Mac users. At the current pace, I have my doubts that this will ever happen, but if you do get a chance vote up this idea on the idea exchange. The solution was provided by Simon Fell.

Lexi Loader
Lexi loader is a great tool designed specifically for the mac. It does everything that the data loader can do. That is, Inserts, Updates, Upserts, Deletes,  and Exports. Overall a great alternative to trying to run Data Loader in a VM.

This tool follows almost exactly the same format and setup that the Data Loader does. The only real difference that I have been able to find between the two is the distinction for Hard Deletes that is made within the Data Loader. I don't often use Lexi Loader for deletes so I am not sure at this time how Lexi Loader preforms deletes. Enjoy this great tool!